Monday, August 2, 2010

Heart goes out to mothers!

My heart goes out to mothers, indeed all parents, when their little ones have a condition and they seem to find no solutions for it. A dear friend of ours has two children with that kind of nagging condition, and it is a constant concern to them as to what they can do for them.

Babies with rashes fit this category of concern. I am not a medical person, but I have picked up on some ideas along the way. For example, if your baby has a rash, look to see if the rash is only on baby's neck, or if it appears in other places on his body. Some rashes are more common in skin folds, so a neck rash might also appear in the diaper area or the armpits. Some rashes affect the entire body, but you might notice them first on the neck.

As for rashes on a baby's neck, realize that babies don't have very long necks. In fact, the chubby skin folds under a baby's chin are part of what makes it so cute! Those skin folds, however, can also encourage the formation of a rash. Since the baby can't hold her head up yet, the skin constantly rubs against itself. This can cause skin irritation and breakdown, leading to a rash.

This sort of rash will often clear up on its own, as the baby learns to hold her head up and the rubbing lessens. Avoiding using soap on the affected area and try to keep the skin dry.

This sort of rash will often clear up on its own, as the baby learns to hold her head up and the rubbing lessens. Avoiding using soap on the affected area and try to keep the skin dry

Occasionally, a baby will develop a fungal infection in the skin folds. A type of fungus called candida, commonly called "yeast," causes some forms of diaper rash because it likes to live in warm, moist places. A young baby's neck folds can also be a good environment for candida.

If the baby's neck rash is not improving with simple measures like keeping the skin dry, or if it seems to be spreading, check with your doctor to be sure it is not a candida infection. If it is, your doctor will prescribe a simple cream to kill the yeast.

Something else to keep in mind ... your baby could be exposed to over 100 man-made chemical ingredients every day because of the baby care products you use? Many of these ingredients found in baby shampoo, baby lotions, nappy rash creams, baby wipes etc, have been medically and scientifically proven to be toxic, carcinogenic and harmful to humans, especially babies and young children.

Please check out this eBook which may help you with an organic solution to protect your baby:
Click Here!

Some other great products on keeping children healthty organically are available:
Click Here!

Another idea for searching parents on cures for eczema:
Click Here!

See my comments on other baby safety and baby health issues, Click Here!

My heart goes out to you, mom!

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